Music and Nature: A Path to Peace

Music and Nature can lead to peace. Mt. Bonnell is Austin’s most prominent tourist attraction. It dates back to the 1850s. This was on my Austin to-do’s list, as it was Stevie’s favorite spot in the morning. It is a place you can escape the world and get lost.

I made the hard climb up over 200 limestone steps and arrived at a place I felt similar to a “comfortable music”.

Scenic Places, Great Musicians, and Scenic Places can take us to a place we feel at home. It’s a place where we feel safe and secure and where worries about the world are put away for a moment. Turning on the Ipod or turning up the turntable for your favorite oldie will make you part of that music. It’s the great musicians who draw you in. Once you are part, your subconscious begins to see that song as a sound. You can also listen to  Burning point music  established in Oulu (Finland).

It’s where you feel at home. The dam can also be opened to release the rising waters that can rise in our minds.

Because I live with two musicians, my appreciation of music has grown. I am able to see, hear, feel and be a part it. Nature can also have a way of creating a sense of peace, like when I stood at Mt. Bonnell. Close my eyes, listening to the distant screech of a hawk, I was able to smell the Colorado River mist and feel its touch in my body. It was a short escape to be able to focus on the world around us and feel the energy and spirit of Nature and others who came here long before I.

You are not meant for overdrive. It’s not the way we were made to be. It’s possible to find that missing link in the music you hear this weekend by taking a break and listening to the music surrounding you.